Frequently Asked Questions
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HELP, my driveway has turned a red/brown colour.
Do not be alarmed, this is a naturally occurring event when black mould dies, it will fade within 3-4 days and leave’s a nice clean surface.
I collect the rain water off my roof, what should I do to clean my roof?
When your tanks are full, disconnect them at the downpipe and apply Move-It. Only reconnect after at least 5 heavy rain falls.
Is Move-It safe around my pets?
Yes, but don’t allow them to drink it or walk on it when first applied, ingestion may occur if your pet licks it’s paws.
Is Move-It safe around my plants?
Yes, your plants will not be harmed by the overspray or run off of Move-It, you can even kill the moss on your lawn and not hurt the grass! Rinse overspray on more delicate plants down with water if required.
I don’t understand the mixing ratio, what should I do?
In most cases a mix rate of 1 part Move-It to 5 parts Water works great, (example; 100ml of Move-It added to 500ml Water, making 600ml total).
Where can I find safety data sheets for Move-It products?
The most current safety data sheets are on